Between 8th and 12th of September 2014 2 PhD students associated with GNSS&Meteo WG: Karina Wilgan and Paweł Hordyniec were actively participating in the GNSS4SWEC COST Summer School in Golden Sands, Bulgaria. The event brought together postgraduate students from physics, geodesy, gnss and meteorology departments from European and US Universities.

The school was organised by Institute of Physics, University of Sophia (SUADA). The lectures were blocked into three main fields : GNSS, Meteorology and Climate. Dr Witold Rohm was invited to give lecture on GNSS tomography, this and other presentations could be found on the LECTURES.

The Workshop organised in the same venue was a platform to coordinate and discuss recent development in GNSS meteorology for severe weather studies and was attended by Prof. Jarosław Bosy, Dr Jan Kapłon and Dr. Witold Rohm.