A new publication co-authored by our member appeared in Journal of Geophysical Research: Atmospheres on 2nd March, 2017. The paper is entitled “An evaluation of real-time troposphere estimation based on GNSS precise point positioning” by Ding et al. This work covers the issue connected with the real-time GNSS meteorology improvement using multi-GNSS observations. An operational real-time system for zenith troposphere delay estimation was established in the paper. The presented system uses a modified version of PPP-wizard software. The results show that the ambiguity resolution improves the accuracy of ZTD while initialization time is shortened by GNSS observations. The full bibliography note can be found in the publications tab. We wish you a pleasant and informative reading!

URL: http://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/10.1002/2016JD025727/full